Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lord of the Rings is NOT spineless, unlike someone else.

My Science Fiction teacher and the entire class thinks that the Lord of the Rings is boring, books and film trilogy. There's too little action. There's too much walking and talking!

Perhaps ten years time has fogged their memories. I think this is weak reasoning since it is inconceivable that anyone, let alone an entire class, could forget the epic scene that is the Battle of Helms Deep in only a decade. They are, therefore, philistines.

In English class we talked for just a little bit about the recent kerfuffle over the timing of the president's speech. Now, instead of competing with the Republican debate, it is competing with the start of the new NFL season. Now, this. John Boehner lifts a finger and Obama backs down. Red-blooded males of America lift their voices and Obama backs down. Everyone has to be happy. Now if I were a good Republican president and there was a chance to eat into the Dem's TV ratings, I would take it. I would stand my ground. And then I would schedule another important speech for the start of the new NFL season, because football is boring. In fact, I would probably schedule speeches for the starts of basketball, baseball, and hockey seasons, then pass a bill that would require all the networks to air the entire extended-version of Lord of the Rings for a week starting on New Years.

Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks this way : "Spineless Obama" via Free Republic

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